Four years working remotely, this is my experience

After working for a year and a half in the cold Denmark, I decided to move back to my home city, Barcelona, in May 2015. Even though I was not looking for it, the company that hired me was remote-friendly. Indeed, it didn’t have offices at all. So I had no other option than learning …

An easy-to-use performant solution to lazy load images in React

Lazy loading images has been a common practice on the web for ages. It improves page speed and avoids loading assets which might never be shown to the user. However, I couldn’t find any good and performant solution for React that satisfied all my needs, so I wrote my own.

9 tips that made me speed up my workflow as a front-end developer

If you save 5 seconds on a task that you repeat at least 12 times per day, that means that you save one minute per day, after three months that’s almost an hour. If you can do the same with 9 other tasks, at the end of the year you will have saved 40 hours, …